Terms & Conditions


The only method of booking and payment is through our website (bookings.jasminvardimon.com) or via the performance venue website which will be linked via our main website.

Payment fees are non-refundable. If you have a long-term illness or injury, fees may be refunded at the Company's discretion. This does not include minor illness or holidays taken during the term.

Occasionally, the Jasmin Vardimon Company offer promotional discounts or concessions on tickets. Once any ticket is purchased at full price, no discounts or concessions will be made retrospectively.

Jasmin Vardimon Company reserves the right to change class and event prices without prior notice. However, we will endeavour to inform attendees of any changes as soon as possible. Tickets are sold subject to the right of Jasmin Vardimon Company to alter or vary the advertised programme due to events or circumstances beyond its control without prior notice and without being obliged to refund monies or exchange tickets.

The Jasmin Vardimon Company reserve the right to refuse admission to JV H.O.M.E. to ensure the safety of its staff and other customers.

Performances will have a latecomer specific entry point to reduce any distraction to the performers or the audience. This entry point is non-negotiable for all latecomers.

Photography, video and sound recording, smoking, eating, and drinking in the performance studio is not permitted. The Jasmin Vardimon Company team will occasionally take photo or video footage but the attendees and audience members will be alerted to this.


On the rare occasion that an event or class is cancelled, it will be rescheduled. If this is not possible, any fees already paid for the scheduled event will be refunded.

Jasmin Vardimon Company will not be held responsible for events or classes cancelled for circumstances beyond the Company's control.


Attendees are responsible for their own property and bring items at their own risk. Jasmin Vardimon Company does not accept responsibility for any items lost or stolen. Any lost property will be kept for 1 month.


Jasmin Vardimon Company may wish to take occasional photographs or videos of our classes for advertisement. The use of these can include our website, social media and printed material. Please note that permissions will be requested upon class booking. Photographs or videos will not be taken of those without permissions.


Any queries and complaints should be addressed to classes@jasminvardimon.com.

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy is available on request. Please contact the classes@jasminvardimon.com for more information.

Privacy & Cookies Policy is available here. For any queries, please email info@jasminvardimon.com.


Jasmin Vardimon Company reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time for the benefit of the business, staff or participants.


Attendees and parents/carers of children attending classes acknowledge acceptance of the terms and conditions by booking and attending classes.


The classes schedule may be subject to change. Attendees and parents/carers of attendees will be notified of any changes. Dancing is a physical activity and contains a certain amount of risk. Attendees taking part in any of our classes do so at their own risk.

Only when appropriate, physical contact between attendees and teachers may take place in class. Physical contact will only take place if consented by attendees verbally. If you have any concerns, please contact classes@jasminvardimon.com.

Attendees must be on time to class, and if the attendee is a child, be picked up on time.

Parents/carers must drop off children of Primary School age at the door to the studio for which the class is taking place. Parents/carers are welcome to stay in the building in the café.

Toilet facilities are available on both floors of the building. Should a child require the toilet during class, please note that the toilets are in a publicly accessible space.

Attendees of Primary School age must be collected from outside of the studio by a parent/carer. The Company must be informed (via emailing classes@jasminvardimon.com or by calling 01233 628545) if persons other than the child's parent or legal guardian will collect the child. Attendees under this age will not be permitted to leave unattended.

Attendees of Secondary School age and above will be free to leave the studio and JV H.O.M.E. without being collected by a parent/carer unless the parent/carer requests otherwise. To request that by emailing classes@jasminvardimon.com.

Dance is a physical activity that requires the body to be warmed up in order to execute movement safely. Late attendees may miss the warm-up and therefore at risk of sustaining an injury.


  • No shoes are to be worn in the studios; classes take place bare foot or in socks.
  • No food or drink are allowed in the studios, however attendees are advised to bring a water bottle and any required medication.
  • Attendees should wear comfortable clothing to move in.
  • It is advised that long hair is tied back.
  • For safety reasons, jewellery must not be worn in class.


Please notify the Jasmin Vardimon Company of any medical issues or learning difficulties that may affect you or your child's learning. This can help us to help them.

Any injuries should be discussed with the teacher prior to, or at the beginning of, class.